Marriage & Family Therapists
Dr. WONG Oi Ling 王愛玲博士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
BSocSc, MSocSc, PhD HK; RSW; AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Dr. Wong Oi Ling is a marriage and family therapist. She is also an AAMFT (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) Approved Supervisor. Dr. Wong worked as a Clinical Supervisor/Senior Teaching Consultant with The University of Hong Kong from 2002 to 2011, and as Assistant Professor with the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2012 to 2014. Her teaching duties include didactic courses in marriage and family therapy and clinical supervision. She also conducted live case demonstrations in the weekly evening family therapy clinic to teach students in the master’s degree program how to work with families with a variety of potential problems. Dr. Wong has been conducting training and delivering supervision courses in the field of marriage and family therapy for universities, hospitals, and social service agencies since 2000 in mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong. She also has many years of direct practice experience, especially in the mental health field. Her expertise is primarily in the area of family therapy training, clinical supervision, children and adolescent family, mental health, parental mental illness, and families living with dementia. Dr Wong has published two Chinese casebooks titled “夾缝中的孩子” and "婚姻滋味──尋回相愛的甜蜜".
王愛玲博士是一位家庭治療師,亦是美國婚姻及家庭治療協會(AAMFT)認可的專業督導, 在家庭治療及輔導方面具有豐富的臨床實務和教學經驗。王博士曾在香港大學和香港中文 大學任教超過十年,教授婚姻及家庭治療理論課程及臨床督導,並在每週作現場家庭治療 示範,以教導學生如何協助不同問題的家庭。王博士對推廣家庭治療不遺餘力,經常在中 國內地、臺灣、澳門和香港,為各大學、醫院及社福機構,進行婚姻及家庭治療專業培訓 和督導,在社工、教師、諮詢師及醫護群體當中,得到了高度的認可。她的專長包括家庭 治療訓練、臨床督導、兒童及青少年家庭、精神健康、父母患精神病的家庭及腦退化症患 者的家庭。近期中文著作有《夾縫中的孩子》及《婚姻滋味──尋回相愛的甜蜜》。
Dr. Yip-Chow Lai Wan, Filomena PhD 葉周麗雲博士
Prepare/ Enrich 認証輔導員
Senior Training and Counselling Consultant
Master in Counselling (Monash University)
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing)
Master of Science (Nursing and Education)
Certified Clinical Supervisor & Marriage and Family Therapist, (Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association)
Prepare/ Enrich Certified Counsellor
Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
葉周麗雲博士為一名資深的婚姻輔導員,亦為香港婚姻及家庭治療協會認可督導及治療師。任職婚姻及家庭輔導多年,主要從事個人、婚姻及家庭輔導,及帶領個人/夫婦成長小組,並擔任行政及輔導督導工作。 葉博士也是一名資深的婚前婚後培育工作者,經常在婚前準備工作坊中作信仰方面的分享。另葉周麗雲博士亦是一名資深教育工作者,曾在香港的醫院、香港理工大學及澳門大專院校護理學系任教二十多年。
Dr. Yip-Chow Lai Wan, Filomena is an experienced marriage counsellor and also a Certified Clinical Supervisor & Marriage and Family Therapist with the HKMFTA. She has been involved in marriage and family therapy after leaving her teaching role from the university. Her main areas of counselling are in family and marital relationships. Her other area of expertise is premarital preparation and marriage enhancement. Since completion of the supervisor training in counselling, she has taken up a dual role as a Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor at her workplace.
Ms SUM Kit-Ling, Kam 沈潔玲女士
社會工作文學碩士 (婚姻及家庭治療)
美國婚姻及家庭治療協會 臨床院士 (專業會員)
美國婚姻及家庭治療協會 檢定督導
香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 認證家庭治療師
香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 認證臨床督導
香港專業輔導協會 認證輔導師
香港調解資歷評審協會有限公司 認可家事調解員
沈女士於2007年畢業於「香港理工大學 - 社會工作文學士 (家庭本位暨家庭治療)」 碩士課程。多年來持續進修不同與輔導、情緒管理、精神健康、婚姻及家庭治療相關課程。2014 年獲發「美國婚姻及家庭治療協會」臨床院士資格。 2020年完成審核並獲發「美國婚姻及家庭治療協會」檢定督導。
在2006年她轉投 『家庭服務』,在「綜合家庭服務中心」以個案、講座及小組訓練手法,協助地區上一些低動力、有隱蔽行為問題的家庭成員,為一些懷疑及確診患上精神障礙人士及其家人提供情緒支援與輔導工作,後期亦曾專責協助成癮賭博行為問題之青少年、成年人以及其家庭成員提供家庭治療輔導工作。