Educational Psychologists
Ms Diane LO 盧定欣女士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
Registered Educational Psychologist
Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (Division of Educational Psychology)
MSoc.Sc. (Educational Psychology) (The University of Hong Kong)
BSoc.Sc. (The University of Hong Kong)
Ms. Diane Lo is a Registered Educational Psychologist of the Division of Educational Psychology of Hong Kong Psychological Society (DEP, HKPS). She has provided psychological services to a wide range of clientele, including primary and secondary school students with autism spectrum disorder, specific learning difficulties, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders and depression. Types of services provided include psychological assessment, individual counseling, group intervention, and consultation for parents and teachers.
Ms. Lo constantly provides training for parents, teachers and social workers on topics such as support strategies for students with special educational needs, increasing positive emotions in children, crisis management and effective learning strategies. She has also provided clinical supervision to psychologist trainees and appeared on television programs, radio shows, magazines as guest speakers. Her major areas of expertise and interest include conducting behavioral therapy for children with autism and providing phonics training for students with dyslexia adopting the Orton-Gillingham approach.
盧定欣女士為香港心理學會註冊教育心理學家。她曾於不同學校提供駐校心理服務,專為有自閉症、亞氏保加症、讀寫障礙、專注力不足/過度活躍症、焦慮症狀及抑鬱症狀的兒童 及青少年提供心理評估及治療。治療形式包括個別及小組的輔導。
除提供心理評估及治療外,曾多次應邀為家長、教師 及社工提供講座和接受電視、電台及 報章訪問, 內容包括支援有特殊需要的兒童的策略、提升兒童的正面情緒、危機處理及有 效的學習策略等。其他經驗包括個案諮商及督導實習的教育心理學家。她致力為自閉症學童提供行為治療及採用 Orton-Gillingham 的拼音方法協助有讀寫障礙的學童學習英語。
Ms Beatrice LAW
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
Educational Psychologist
Educational Psychologist in Accredited Register (HKAEP)
Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (DEP)
Master of Applied Social Science in Educational and Child Psychology (PolyU)
M.A. (School Guidance and Counseling) (CUHK)
B.S.Sc (Psychology) (CUHK)
Ms. Beatrice Law has accumulated many years of experience working in schools. As a senior Educational Psychologist, she has dedicated herself to delivering professional psychological services to a diverse range of students, including those with Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing (SpLD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), and more. By conducting professional assessments and consultations, Ms. Law assists parents and educators in identifying the pivotal factors that impact students' learning, motivation, emotions, behavior and performance. She collaborates with them to develop personalized improvement plans and facilitates the process of securing special examination accommodations for students with SENs in both internal and public examinations.
Moreover, she has been invited as a guest lecturer, consultant and speaker by universities and organizations, where she shares her expertise and provides valuable insights. Additionally,she is committed to providing ongoing training sessions for parents, teachers, and social workers. These sessions cover various essential topics such as support strategies for students with special educational needs, fostering positive emotions in children, positive parenting, and effective learning strategies.
Ms Dorothy HO 何舒婷女士
香港中文大學學位教師教育文憑 (小學)
認可Triple P® 正向小組導師
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
Educational Psychologist
Member of Register of Educational Psychologists accredited by Department of Health
Registered Educational Psychologist (The Hong Kong Psychological Society)
Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (Division of Educational Psychology)
Master of Educational and Child Psychology (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Triple P® Accredited Group Facilitator
何女士多年來在學校為教師提供不同的培訓, 以增加教師對有特殊學習需要學童的認識及提供有效的支援策略。何女士亦是認可Triple P® 正向小組導師,能教導家長如何用正向的管教方法去改善子女的情緒行為問題,減輕管教壓力。此外,她亦致力為自閉症學童的家長提供諮商,協助家長與孩子建立良好的關係及改善社交溝通能力。
Ms. Ho is a Registered Educational Psychologist of the Division of Educational Psychology of Hong Kong Psychological Society (DEP, HKPS). She has provided psychological services in various primary and secondary schools for students with special educational needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities as well as Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties for many years. In addition, Ms. Ho also has provided assessments for preschool children who are suspected with developmental delay for early identification and intervention.
Ms. Ho constantly provides different training for teachers regarding the needs and effective support strategies for students with special educational needs. She is also a Triple P® Accredited Group Facilitator, she teaches parents how to use positive parenting skills to treat their children’s emotional and behavioural problems in order to reduce the parental stress. Furthermore, she is also dedicated in providing consultation to parents with children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, facilitating them to build up a positive social relationship with their children and improving their children’s social communication skills.
Her other experience includes writing a column for Kung Kao Po, managing school crises, providing case consultation and clinical supervision to educational psychologist trainees.
Ms. Adelaide TAM 譚穎知女士
Educational Psychologist, Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (Division of Educational Psychology)
Educational Psychologist, the Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists
Lecturer (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
MSoc.Sc. (Educational Psychology) (The University of Hong Kong)
PGDE (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) (Distinction)
BSoc.Sc. (The University of Hong Kong) (First Class Honor)
香港教育心理學家公會 教育心理學家
Ms. Adelaide TAM is an Educational Psychologist, of the Division of Educational Psychology of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (DEP, HKPS), accredited by the Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists (HKAEP).
She provides psychological services to primary and secondary schools. She works with students with Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing (SpLD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Anxiety Disorder, Depression Disorder, Early Psychosis, and other mental illnesses. She works directly with students through psychological assessment, individual counselling, and group intervention. Ms. TAM also provides case consultation and training to teachers and parents based on their needs. Examples include special examination arrangement for DSE/ internal exams, suicidal identification and intervention, and executive functioning training.
In addition, Ms. TAM conducts psychological assessment, and applies for placement for preschoolers with suspected developmental delay.
She promotes community education by serving as guest speaker or professional volunteer at different NGOs. She provides supervision to educational psychologists trainees. Ms. TAM served as part-time lecturer at CUHK.
譚穎知女士為香港心理學會教育心理學家、香港教育心理學家公會註冊教育心理學家。她於不同學校提供到校心理服務,專為有讀寫障礙、自閉症、注意力不足/過度活躍症、焦慮症、抑鬱症、早期思覺失調及其他精神需要的兒童及青少年服務。形式包括心理評估丶個別及小組輔導。除此之外,譚女士尤專於向家長及老師提供個案諮商及專題培訓。 例如:校內及公開考試的特別考試安排、自殺危機的早期識別與介入、執行功能訓練等。
Ms. Selina CHUNG
香港大學社會科學學士 (主修心理學)
Educational Psychologist
Member of Register of Educational Psychologists accredited by Department of Health
Registered Educational Psychologist (The Hong Kong Psychological Society)
Master of Educational and Child Psychology (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
B.Soc.Sc (Hons) (Psychology) (University of Hong Kong)
PGDE (Early Childhood Education) (University of Hong Kong)
Ms. Selina Chung is a registered Educational Psychologist of Department of Health and Hong Kong Psychological Society. She has been working in primary and secondary schools for more than 10 years. She also had experience teaching and providing psychological assessment to preschool children. Ms. Chung provides psychological services to students with specific learning difficulties, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, anxiety disorders and depression. Types of services include psychological assessment, individual counseling, group intervention, and consultation for parents and teachers. Ms. Chung is also experienced in helping students with special needs to apply for special examination accommodations in internal and public examinations.
Ms. Chung constantly provides training for parents, teachers and social workers on topics such as support strategies for students with special educational needs, increasing positive emotions in children, effective learning strategies and crisis management, etc. Ms. Chung is devoted to helping parents develop positive parenting skills and she is a certified facilitator/practitioner of parenting programs including Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), Circle of Security® (COS) and Tuning In To Kids (TIK).